The HP-29C was a pocket programmable calculator from the late 1970s. This is a microcode emulator for it – so it runs the same software as the real thing.
All credit for the original idea, design, layout, functionality and innovative use of Continuous Memory; go to Hewlett-Packard. Any flaws in my implementation are of course mine. Hewlett-Packard neither endorses nor is responsible for this emulator.
– 98 step program memory
– 30 data storage memories
– scientific functions (eg trig, log)
– fixed, scientific and engineering notation
– saves and restores program and data (like Continuous Memory)
– runs on Windows (tested on 8 and 10, should work for XP onward)
Advanced Features
– microcode emulation
– microcode debugger (so you can see how it does each function)
– display flickers when running programs, like the original
– matches original clock speed (pauses are the correct length)
– allows you to display or set internal CPU registers
– includes microcode tracing and breakpoints
– can be used without any knowledge of microcode or the debugger
Downloading & Installing
You can download a copy by clicking the button below. It is a ZIP file so the process is:
– download it
– unZIP it anywhere you want
– double-click “run.bat”
Buying a copy
If you buy a copy, there are a number of benefits for us all:
– you get to use the program forever
– you get all later versions for free
– I get some money to cover development costs for this and other software
– the creation of future software is funded
If you don’t throw a few dollars into the pot, you’ll still get to use the program but it will stop working after 90 days. That is a lot longer than the usual 30 days because I do want you to try it, and I do think you’ll enjoy it. I also like to think that you’ll want to support it.
If you’ve tried it and do want to keep it forever, you can get an activation key below. You can buy 2 copies if you want to contribute more.
PayPal, HP-29w, USD $5
Remove the “Download Protection” and “Backup Media” if you don’t want those – see the (i) icon on the order page for details.
More Information
This is part of the HP29 topic. I’m in the process of adding more information about the calculator there.
If you wan’t to know more about the emulator, start with using the windows calculators. Of course, the easiest way to find out about something is to download it and try it.