The HP-25 Wait Loop

The Wait Loop is what happens when your calculator is sitting on your desk and wondering what you’ll need next. This article covers that.

The calculator is ON. The PRGM-RUN switch is in RUN. It’s waiting for you to press a key. This is the microcode sequence for that:

HP25 Logging started.

; A= 0000ffffffffff B= 21000000000000 M1=20000000000202
; S= ...3.5..........

00742 0 -> s 3
00743 if 0 = s 3 then goto 01672
00745 if 0 = s 15 then goto 00742

00742 ...

s3 is the RUN-PRGM switch. It is checking to see if we’ve decided to program the calculator instead. We haven’t. We’re still in RUN mode. s3 is 1.
s15 is key_pressed. If a key hasn’t been pressed, it goes back to the start of the loop.
It keeps wondering.

It’s pretty straight forward.

By the way, you can also see ” 0.00″ in the display; given what is in the A and B register. B=2 blanks out the first digit (” “). B=1 lights up the decimal point after the second one (“0.”). B=0 after that shows the remaining digits. For the woodstock calculators (HP-21 to HP-29 and HP-67), an “f” in the A register shows as blank.

This is part of the HP-25 topic.

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