HP-55 Reference


The keyboard looks like:

You can also run my HP-55 emulator in your browser to get a clickable keyboard.


These are what the calculator sees when you press a key.

  6 4 3 2 0
000 ∑+ y^x 1/x % BST
050 ŷ x<->y Rv FIX SST
010 f g STO RCL GTO
060 7 8 9  
020 + 4 5 6  
030 * 1 2 3  
040 / 0 . R/S  

E.g. the scancode for ENTER is 076.


These are what the calculator displays when you are in PRGM mode.

11=∑+ 12=y^x 13=1/x 14=%
21=ý 22=x<->y 23=Rv 24=FIX
31=f 32=g 33=STO 34=RCL
41=ENTER 42=CHS 43=EEX 44=CLx
51=- 07=7 08=8 09=9
61=+ 04=4 05=5 06=6
71=* 01=1 02=2 03=3
81=/ 00=0 83=. 84=R/S

For [GTO] [n] [m], this is displayed as “-nm”. E.g. GTO 0 6 displays as “-06”.


These are the values stored internally, in program memory.

11=∑+ 12=y^x 13=1/x 14=%
21=ý 22=x<->y 23=Rv 24=FIX
31=f 32=g 33=STO 34=RCL
41=ENTER 42=CHS 43=EEX 44=CLx
48=- 07=7 08=8 09=9
38=+ 04=4 05=5 06=6
28=* 01=1 02=2 03=3
18=/ 00=0 16=. 15=R/S

Others: 50 – 99 = GTO 00 – GTO 49 (merged keystrokes).
There are a lot of unused codes (eg 17, 19, 20, 25, 26, …).
You can also store f or g prefixes before keys that don’t have f or g functions (eg g FIX and f /).


The HP-55 has 20 data storage registers: memory .0 – .9 and 0 – 9 (eg STO . 1, RCL 2).
It also has 7 registers as program memory (7 x 7 steps in each = 49 program steps).
It has 3 more internal-use memories for a total of 30. These are:

ram[0-9] Memories .0 to .9
ram[10-19] Memories 0 to 9
ram[20] Internal – LastX
ram[21] Internal – used
ram[22] Internal – ???
ram[23-29] Program memory

You can STO or RCL 0 to 9 and . 0 to . 9; but you can only STO +,-,*,/ 0 to 9 not the dot versions.

S Flags

The s flags are single bit settings that the calculator microcode uses to remember some things. You only see these when stepping through the microcode. These are:

s0 key_pressed. Set by the hardware.
s1 dsp_prefix (FIX or SCI) (2)
s2 mem_prefix (STO or RCL) (2)
s3 PRGM (1)
s4 g_prefix (2)
s5 error
s6 f_prefix (2)
s7 auto_enter or, if s9 also, dot_pressed
s8 (1)
s9 digit_entry
s10 if s9 also, eex_pressed
s11 TIMER (1)

The s flags show up on the microcode screen like “0..3……ab”. In this example: s0, s3, s10 and s11 are set (=1). The others are clear (=0).

(1) s3 and s11 are “tied” to hardware through the TIMER-PRGM-RUN switch.
If the switch is in the PRGM position, s3 will always be set and clearing it has no effect.
If the switch is in the TIMER position, s11 will always be set and clearing it has no effect.
In the RUN position, combinations of s3, s8 and s11 are used to allow the microcode to return across ROMs. The combinations of s3,s8,s11 are: 00x rom 1, 01x rom 4, 100 rom 2, 101 rom 5, 110 rom 0, 111 rom 3. Doing a goto 00711 “subout” will result in a switch to the specified ROM and then a “return” instruction being run.

(2) These are cleared as a set, see 01761 which “clears all prefixes”, probably after a function.

(3) Some flags get reused. e.g. in TIMER mode: s6 is timer_stopped and s8 is used for key debounce (s8 is set a short time after a key was pressed); in RUN mode, s5 is used during SIN/TAN to select which result is produced.

M Register

M is a 14 nibble (14 x 4 bit) register inside the calculator CPU. It can store 14 binary-coded-decimal numbers like the rest of the calculator and memory registers. However, it is used for more flags, and for settings that require more than one bit. The settings stored here are:

M[13] 0, 2=GTO, 1=GTO n, 0=GTO n n (done)
M[12] 0, 1=Running, 0=Stopped
M[11] 1, Set to 1 in the wait loop. Why?
M[10] 1
M[9] 0
M[8] 0, 0=FIX, 1=SCI (cur display mode)
M[7] 2, 0-9 for FIX/SCI 0-9 (cur display precision)
M[6] 0, 0=DEG, 1=RAD, 9=GRD
M[5] 0
M[4,3] 00, Program counter (PC) 00-49
M[2] 0, if s2: 0=STO 1=RCL 2=STO. 3=RCL. 4=STO+ 5=STO- 6=STO* 7=STO/
M[1,0] 00, used / temp

The first value shown for each is the value after startup.
During the WaitLoop, M and C are swapped so you’ll see M values in the C register.
If s2 is set, we know that a memory STO or RCL has started and is not yet complete; but we don’t know which one. M[2] provides additional information on the keys pressed so far.
There isn’t an “s flag” for GTO pressed. Instead, it sets M[13] to 2 and counts down from there as it gets additional keys.
In the emulator M[13] is the leftmost digit and M[0] is the rightmost.


The microcode can be seen in this HP-55 ROM listing. Key locations in the microcode are:

Addr Name Notes
04170 WaitLoop RUN loop waits for keypress or switch change
04145 KeyPressed aka wat1
04146 Debounce wat2: a delay loop
04162 onScanGo tkr: use the scancode jump table
04660 onPrgmGo run: process a program code
04230 Display dis99: display result
04167 ErrLoop1 toggle display on/off if s5=1
05543 TimerWait TIMER loop waits for keypress or switch change
05573 TimerRun TIMER loop updates 100ths of seconds
00711 subout far return across ROMs using s3,s8,s11 flags

ROM Addresses

The microcode includes instructions to select roms 0-7. It also includes a “delayed select group” instruction which selects the “0th” set of 8 roms or the “1th” set. There are a total of 12 roms in the HP-55. By convention, they are numbered 0-7 and 10-13 (i.e. in octal).

From To Chip
00000 00377 rom 0
00400 00777 rom 1
01000 01377 rom 2
01400 01777 rom 3
02000 02377 rom 4
02400 02777 rom 5
03000 03377 rom 6
03400 03777 rom 7
04000 04377 rom 10
04400 04777 rom 11
05000 05377 rom 12
05400 05777 rom 13
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