HP-21 Microcode Reference

This is a summary of what I’ve found. It is likely to get updated from time to time.

s flags

s0 n/a not used.
s1 SCI Set for scientific notation, clear for fixed.
s2 auto_enter A digit will push the current X up the stack.
s3 radians Set if the DEG-RAD switch is in the RADians position.
s5 power_ok A value of 0 indicates low power.
s9 dot_pressed During data entry etc, a “.” has already been pressed.
s13 g_pressed The blue function key was pressed.
s15 key_down Set while a key is being pressed.


00376 waitloop
00007 display
00403 keypressed


f DSP precision
M1 Memory

This is part of the HP-21 topic.

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