HP-65 Number Entry

Here’s what happens internally when you enter a number into a HP-65 calculator:

startup " 0.00"
A =00000000000999 C =00000000000000
B =02009999999999 M =00000000000221 P =1
S =............   f =..2..5..

press 1 see " 1."
A =01000000000000 C =01000000000000
B =02999999999999 M =00000000000221 P =1
S =.1..........   f =.12..5..

press 2 see " 12."
A =01200000000000 C =01200000000001
B =00299999999999 M =00000000000221 P =1
S =.1..........   f =.12..5..

press 3 see " 123."
A =01230000000000 C =01230000000002
B =00029999999999 M =00000000000221 P =1
S =.1..........   f =.12..5..

press . see " 123."
A =01230000000000 C =01230000000002
B =00029999999999 M =00000000000221 P =1
S =.12.........   f =.12..5..

press 4 see " 123.4"
A =01234000000000 C =01234000000002
B =00020999999999 M =00000000000221 P =1
S =.12.........   f =.12..5..

press 5 see " 123.45"
A =01234500000000 C =01234500000002
B =00020099999999 M =00000000000221 P =1
S =.12.........   f =.12..5..

press 6 see " 123.456"
A =01234560000000 C =01234560000002
B =00020009999999 M =00000000000221 P =1
S =.12.........   f =.12..5..

press [EEX] see " 123.456     00"
A =01234560000000 C =01234560000002
B =00020009999000 M =00000000000221 P =1
S =.12....7....   f =.12..5..

press 8 see " 123.456     08"
A =01234560000008 C =01234560000010
B =00020009999000 M =00000000000221 P =1
S =.12....7....   f =.12..5..

press 9 see " 123.456     89"
A =01234560000089 C =01234560000091
B =00020009999000 M =00000000000221 P =1
S =.12....7....   f =.12..5..

press [CHS] see " 123.456    -89"
A =01234560000989 C =01234560000913
B =00020009999000 M =00000000000221 P =1
S =.12....7....   f =.12..5..

press [ENTER] see " 0.00"
A =00001234560999 C =01234560000913
B =02009999999999 M =00000000000221 P =1
S =............   f =..2..5..
D =01234560000913

Interestingly, it doesn’t switch to SCI display for small numbers. I was expecting to see ” 1.2346 -87″. This must have been introduced after the HP-65.

It looks like [.] sets s2 and [EEX] sets s7.

An exponent of -87 is stored as “913” (1000 + -87).

You can see that [ENTER] has copied stack X (C register) to stack Y (D register).

The value in C is always the current stack X value. As digits get added this gets updated. It isn’t just a copy of what has been keyed so far, into the A register – the C register exponent is updated too.

The A and B registers match standard classic calculator behaviour. I’m having trouble finding the article that described it to me years ago but it comes down to:

  • What is in the A register is what appears in the display.
  • That is modified by the B register: a 0 allows the A digit to appear, a 9 hides it (blank / off), a 2 inserts a decimal point to the right.

You can see this above by comparing the “see …” and the “A=” and “B=” values.

There isn’t a counter of which digit it is up to. It has to work that out each time.

Pressing EEX sets a flag but also clears the bottom three digits in B from “9”s to “0”s. This lets the exponent digits show.

Digits 13 (leftmost) and 3 are sign digits. They are wired to only show as ” ” or “-“. A “9” in those positions shows as “-“. A “0” shows as ” ” (for positive).

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