HP67 Merged Keycodes – State Info

As you key in a merged keycode the calculator has to remember which keys led up to this point. After all, pressing the [0] key produces very different results if it was preceded by [f], [g], [h], [STO], [RCL], [STO] [+], and so on. Here’s how it keeps track:

The “state” information (where it is up to) is stored in a combination of the S register bits and the M1[x] nibbles like this:

keys s m1 notes
GTO 7,10,13 0d0
GTO f 4,6,10,13 0d0
GTO . 7,8,10,13 ff0
GTO . n 7,8,10,13 fn0
GTO . n n 7,8,10,13 nn0
GTO [0-9,A-E,(i)] final
GTO f [A-E] final
GTO . n n n final
DSP 13 060
DSP [0-9,(i)] final
f 4,6,13 000
f GSB 7,13 0b0
f LBL 7,13 0f0
f others final
f GSB [0-9,A-E,(i)] final
f LBL [0-9,A-E] final
g 4,6,7,13 000
g GSB f 6,7,13 0a0
g LBL f 6,7,13 0e0
g GSB f [A-E] final
g LBL f [A-E] final
g others final
STO 4,7,13 090
STO – 4,7,8,13 0a0
STO + 4,7,8,13 0c0
STO * 4,7,8,13 0e0
STO / 4,7,8,13 080
STO [0-9,A-E,(i)] final
STO – [0-9,(i)] final
STO + [0-9,(i)] final
STO * [0-9,(i)] final
STO / [0-9,(i)] final
RCL 4,10,13 070
RCL [0-9,A-E,Sum,(i)] final
h 4,6,8,13 000
h SF 6,8,13 080
h CF 6,8,13 060
h F? 6,8,10,13 050
h STI final
h RCI final
h SF [0-3] final
h CF [0-3] final
h F? [0-3] final
h others final
others final

When you press the [0] key it needs to check the S register and M1[x] to see what you mean.

There’s more to untangle yet but here’s a trace/listing for prefixes then [0].

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