Saving Magnetic Cards

The HP-65 and HP-67 calculators have the ability to save information onto small magnetic cards. This allows you to save and reload programs so that you don’t need to key them in again each time. With the HP-67 you can also save and reload data that is in the calculator memories.

With the emulators however, the magnetic cards are also emulated and this has some ramifications.

The HP65, HP67 and HP67u emulators are browser-based applications. This allows them to run on a wide range of devices and with a wide range of operating systems. In general, browsers do not allow applications to write to your hard disk or phone / tablet SD card. This makes it hard to save things like programs and data to “magnetic card” files. What is permitted, however, is saving application information in “local storage” within the browser. That persists so, if you run the browser up again later, you can still access your information.

The downsides of having to use browser local storage are:

– if you change browsers then you access a different local storage area. This means you can’t access the “magnetic cards” you saved earlier.

– if you clear ALL cached information for a site from the browser, you will lose all of your program and data information (emulated magnetic cards) for that site.

The solution is to use the HP65 and HP67 emulators’ menu Program and / or menu Data options to display the program / data information and then copy and paste it into a text file for safety. You can paste programs back into the emulators the same way. The HP67 emulator also supports pasting data back in. The HP67u doesn’t as yet. The HP-65 doesn’t allow writing data to mag cards so there isn’t an option to paste data into the HP65 emulator.

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