The HP67 calculator has three angle modes: DEG, RAD and GRD.

DEG is degrees. There are 360 degrees in a circle.
RAD is radians. There are 2*PI radians (about 6.28) in a circle.
GRD is gradians. I’d never heard of these before I got my original HP67 but apparently these are used in some fields and there are 400 gradians in a circle.

You select the angle mode by pressing [h] then [ENTER], [CHS] or [EEX]. The key codes you’ll see in W/PRGM are “35 41”, “35 42” or “35 43”.

The angle mode is one of the pieces of status information written to each side of a magnetic card, whether you write program information or data.

h DEG 45 f SIN = 0.71, STO 0, g SIN-1 = 45.00
RCL 0 h RAD g SIN-1 = 0.79 (=PI/4)
RCL 0 h GRD g SIN-1 = 50.00


When you select an angle mode the calculator remembers your choice by setting a combination of bits in its internal S register. You can see this by choosing different angle modes in the HP67u and looking at the S register via menu / Advanced.

The combinations are:
DEG S0=0 & S14=0
RAD S0=1 & S14=0
GRD S0=0 & S14=1


[h] [DEG]
00214 display off
00215 b exchange c[w]
00216 CRC 400
00217 keys to a
00252 delayed rom 01
00253 a -> rom address
00522 ...
07205 0 -> s 0 
07206 0 -> s 14 
07207 if n/c go to 07313
07313 delayed rom 00 
07314 if n/c go to 0074
00074 ...
00161 hi im woodstock
00162 display off
00163 display toggle
00164 ...
(00167 - 00213; wait loop)

[h] [RAD]
00214 display off
00215 b exchange c[w]
00216 CRC 400
00217 keys to a
00252 delayed rom 01
00253 a -> rom address
00521 ...
07203 1 -> s 0 
07204 if n/c go to 07206
07206 0 -> s 14 
07207 if n/c go to 07313
07313 ...

[h] [GRD]
00214 display off
00215 b exchange c[w]
00216 CRC 400
00217 keys to a
00252 delayed rom 01
00253 a -> rom address
00520 ...
07210 0 -> s 0 
07211 1 -> s 14 
07212 if n/c go to 07313
07313 ...
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