The HP calculators ran on microcode. They had programs inside them telling them what to do and how to do it.
Most emulators try to match the calculator’s behaviour and many do a very good job.
A microcode emulator is a little different. It tries to match the behaviour of the components in the calculator and then runs the exact same microcode program as the real thing.
This HP67 emulator is one of those.
It should behave exactly like the real thing because it does what it does, exactly the same way as the real thing did.
You can: use it, install it (HTML5) or get a copy to keep.
PayPal, HP-67u, USD $5
1. Click the emulator display for the menu page.
2. The emulator menu page includes a button for the HP67u Help page.
3. Click the card slot (“1/x … x<->y”) to choose and load a card.