Daylight Savings on the east coast of Australia:

2025-04-06EndAt 0300h local (GMT+11)
change clocks to 0200h local (GMT+10)
2025-10-05StartAt 0200h local (GMT+10)
change clocks to 0300h local (GMT+11)
2026-04-05EndAt 0300h local (GMT+11)
change clocks to 0200h local (GMT+10)
2026-10-04StartAt 0200h local (GMT+10)
change clocks to 0300h local (GMT+11)

Set a reminder in your Android / Google Calendar:
Add Event "End Daylight Savings"
Add Event "Start Daylight Savings"

Set a reminder to come back here next year:
Add Event "Add daylight savings events to calendar"